Sergio Botero
At barely 30 years old, Sergio Botero is in love with Colombian cuisine. Since he was little he always liked to eat well, the search to satisfy that need led him to gastronomy.
He trained at the Seine, he was the personal chef of businessman Juan Camilo Hernández, who opened up learning horizons for him, providing personalized classes with renowned national chefs such as Leonor Espinosa, Hobany Velasco. He traveled to Europe where he did internships with Michelin star chefs: the Spanish Juan María Arzak, and the French Nancy Bourguinon, and Tony Botella with whom he had the opportunity to learn secrets of sous vide cooking.
Upon returning, he worked for a time as a personal chef for artists and months later, he decided to start his own project, traditionally a Colombian signature cuisine restaurant where he seeks to highlight Colombian culinary craftsmanship. Invited by several embassies, Sergio represented Colombia in gastronomic festivals abroad, an experience that allowed him to get to know the great pantry of the country, and at the same time, instilled in him the curiosity to know the stories behind each tradition, to the point of converting of its cuisine in a tribute to the gastronomic wealth of the country.
The anthropologist and gastronomic journalist Julián Estrada describes him as a young chef, an observer of the country, a tireless traveler, a gourmet and a lover of good food.
“Sergio quickly caught on to the existence of numerous regional recipe books with infinite variations, and applying his conceptual evolution, he began to claim “our product” not only in its natural state (stems, fruits, leaves, seeds, roots) but also as a result of culinary artisan preparations (chichas, petos, mazamorras, mixtures, flours, wraps, nougats, vinegars, pickles, etc.) Let’s accept: it is a modern, avant-garde proposal made by someone who knows tradition”, Julián Estrada.